…I have got into North Yorkshire Open Studios 2012: this is how my studio WILL look in June, sunny and bright and surrounded by flowers! …I have finished Sue’s book illustrations, just need her final ok to go ahead and
…I have got into North Yorkshire Open Studios 2012: this is how my studio WILL look in June, sunny and bright and surrounded by flowers! …I have finished Sue’s book illustrations, just need her final ok to go ahead and
…My Feisty 9 year old daughter! …crisps …Millie, an old border terrier of the highest order!!!
…the garden bird survey.5 blackbirds,4 blue tits, 3 collared dove, 1 robin, 1 songthrush,4 house sparrows, 1 dunnock, 1 carrion crow, 3 jackdaws, 2 woodpigeon, 2 magpie, 1 great tit, one coal tit, 1 bullfinch, 4 gulls. …Freerunners : Minack
…crisp winter sunshine …high wedge suede black ankle boots ( and for not buying them) …a potential evening in with R without the children. Planning to watch the ‘Glenn Miller Story” which we bought about ten years ago and still
Carlos the Pug…who sat on my lap in the hairdressers. Lavender carpet deodouriser…to deal with the effects of my own dog! My new hairdo…back to the 80s !!!
…a songthrush singing outside my window this morning (I may try to record it tomorrow so beautiful!!) … a warm house. …marmite on crackerbread! …ugly monkeys and Slow Loris’s (or just Loris) …pictures of the Northern Lights taken from Saltburn.
…my application getting through after 3 attempts! …understanding and sympathetic employers …my beautiful dog …inspiration
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