Tag: North Yorkshire Open Studios 2012

Ttiagratefulft: 26.7.19

Spike is hanging on in there despite being very ill . I think we may lose him but I am grateful to be able to give him love and cuddles for now . 😢😢 Heather gave me an Avocado plant

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Ttiagratefulft : 26.05.19

Singing again with a brilliant band of musicians ‘Beat the Monkey’ and the beautiful and talented Becky. Special friends keeping me connected and alive . Special places full of magical energy . Feeling Goooood !!

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three things I am grateful for today : Earl gray tea My purple hair Lanzaporazole : sometimes much needed .

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…I have got into North Yorkshire Open Studios 2012: this is how my studio WILL look in June, sunny and bright and surrounded by flowers! …I have finished Sue’s book illustrations, just need her final ok to go ahead and

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