Tag: life

Ttiagratefulft: 26.7.19

Spike is hanging on in there despite being very ill . I think we may lose him but I am grateful to be able to give him love and cuddles for now . 😢😢 Heather gave me an Avocado plant

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Ttiagratefulft 6.1.19

I packed a box this weekend . Just one . But it is the start . I also threw out a ton of paper and cleared some drawers. I have a lot to do but I am starting with what

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Ttiagratefulft: 26.11.18

This lovely affirmation from Edgar Cayce I found it while looking through my diary today . It is so beautiful . To the point entirely . “ With joy I enter into the activities of the day. Without regret I

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Three things I am grateful for today x

Jess is now doing English Lit because of timetable restrictions ! I’m secretly pleased ! She will love it x My new pentel brush pen which I love ! New Horizons …. I can see them , feel them visualise

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three things I am grateful for today : Earl gray tea My purple hair Lanzaporazole : sometimes much needed .

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….back home from a whirlwind trip to London . The smell of my dog’s head and the way she leans on me while I’m eating breakfast . Home .  … marmite on toast then covered with hard boiled egg from

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. … Skippy Skye Dog !! Today I took her to the Batts in Richmond and I felt like a professional Dog trainer !! She is amazing !  … My  2 new chickens . Ginge and Bloobs . Unfortunately Getting

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