Tag: photography

Ttiagratefulft: 26.7.19

Spike is hanging on in there despite being very ill . I think we may lose him but I am grateful to be able to give him love and cuddles for now . 😢😢 Heather gave me an Avocado plant

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Ttiagratefulft: 21.07.19

Pause to capture the intensity of now : What a curse and a blessing a strong imagination is ! On the one hand…. I dream about rivers of exquisite experiences with moments of pure joy dotted like islands on the

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three things I am grateful for today : Earl gray tea My purple hair Lanzaporazole : sometimes much needed .

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Ttiagratefulft :  22.05.16

. Prince ! Purple Rain . . Victoria Wood . I am so grateful for the times I have practically wet myself watching Victoria Wood and Julie Waters . Such a talent ! Rest in peace beautiful lady .  .

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