Tag: Gratitude blog


3 Things I am grateful for today : 7.06.21

TTIaGratefulft: 7.06.21 Beautiful Walk in the Plantation with someone very special on a beautiful sunny hot day. Collecting bark, plants, pine cones, leaves to draw. Food, laughs, films and feelings.

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Ttiagratefulft: 26.7.19

Spike is hanging on in there despite being very ill . I think we may lose him but I am grateful to be able to give him love and cuddles for now . 😢😢 Heather gave me an Avocado plant

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three things I am grateful for today : Earl gray tea My purple hair Lanzaporazole : sometimes much needed .

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.Beltane !!  .very very beautiful atmospheric countryside  .gifts found in the wild … Stones from the Swale , a hollow plant stem a jawbone and a tail from the Dale . 

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