Orange beaded Octopus sitting on my lamp stand. Makes me think of little sea creatures and the lovely lady who gave this one to me. William Blake’s Angel from Behemoth and Leviathan full of movement and light. My Bee candle
Yesterday while bringing Skye home from a trip to the vets (more to come on this later ) I happened upon a small hedgehog who was wobbling down the Lane .There was a woman standing next to it on the
Folk Art : Would love to learn how to paint canal art. Have been thinking of painting on objects instead of canvases. I love the moody skies this time of the year. It’s hard to capture them in photos.I think
Thinking about canal art and other types of folk art. Considering how to fuse illustration into glass and painting on different objects.Lots of ideas floating around my head! Up at the racecourse today the sky is beautiful and moody. Up
I really need to get my s@@@# together this year. Feeling kind of stuck for many reasons. So today was a day to plan . Writing it all down really does help . Dear Crunch my Beardie came out of